Wind Power

Captured these driving back from LA from the Portable Media Expo this last weekend. This ist at Altamont Pass: the largest concentration of Wind Turbines in the world. This is just one small hill out of dozens. Music is Aubele’s Postales.

In 2004, petroleum 37.5% of the world’s energy production. Coal accounted for 25.6%. Natural gas ranked third at 23.1%. Hydro was 6.21%, Nuclear 6.20%, and geothermal, solar, wind, wood, and waste generated all of 0.9% percent total.

San Francisco: 19th Century Paris?

The way I work with people is changing. It might just be that my age and experience is changing the way I view my work. This could be a part of it, but somehow I think it is something much deeper than that.

For you see, I’ve started to bump into what I can only describe as the edges of a collective consciousness, and I think it is happening in many other places, in many other disciplines.

In the Hacker space, take the example of BarCamps which thrust into life last year as FooCamp outgrew itself. Or perhaps Super Happy Dev House. These self-organizing groups come together with no specific objective outside of socializing technology and sharing challenging problems to solve, or proposed solutions to existing problems.

This is happening more often as the information technology space heats up into a strong simmer. Micro camps like Mash Pit are popping up now, as are different ways of thinking about work space like Co-working.

It appears this type of collaborative work does have a precedent: Charettes.

While the architectual students of the cole des Beaux Arts in France worked through their design problems within an allotted time rushing their drawings from the studio to the Ecole in a cart called a charrette, a quartet of painters (Renoir, Monet, Sisley and Bazille) were shaping what was to become the Impressionist era.

Is this happening in your field of study as well? Is this all just history repeating?

Later this year, in the early summer of New York, 100′s of Video Bloggers will converge in an unprecedented “un-conference”. Sharing ideas in both a centralized and distributed fashion with live video streams heading in and out of the metropolis to all points on the planet that can connect and have an interest in the new changes in personal media and expression. Keep an eye out here for more details as we get closer to it.

Yes, I do believe history repeats itself.

Girls in Hawaii
New Music:
Girls in Hawaii – “From here to there”
Actually 6 guys from Belgium. Subtle indie stuff. check it out.