Torrent for Indy Media

BitTorrent landed $8.75m from DCM Doll yesterday. Will be interesting to see their model evolve. Do you use torrents? Which client do you prefer? I am hearing good things about Azureus. Any recommendations on clients and platforms welcome!

I believe P2P has a role for Independent media. As producers of media we should be able to control the creation AND distribution. I talk about it more here in my intermittent podcast .

I feel truly inspired after last weekend, and have even created my first vlog! I’ve uploaded it to I was hoping to convey the feelings I get when I ride my bike as a commuter and have that extra time to think about all the things that are happening around me. In this case, it was the thoughts left over from Webzine2005. The incredible music is from C. Alan Byrd. You can also find his music on iTunes. Have a listen to his rendition of Sixteen Tons and House of the Rising Sun…awesome!

Please check it out, and let me know what you think.

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More Webzine 2005

I admit, I slept in today. I didn’t attend any of the parties, but I am exhausted after a wild Webzine 2005 weekend. I must be getting old.

This “live wiki” was really refreshing. Alot of experimentation, alot of questions. More creators and inventors – less shrink wrapped solutions and money people.

That did ring a little bell in my head though. Where is the money? Here is a good conversation I had with Joshua Kinberg (FireANT) and Charles Hope ( where they help me understand the rel=”payment” tag and the possible future in torrents.

Feast your ears on a wacky conversation with Bre Pettis ( and where we go from drawing visualization for school children all the way to the Webzine 2005 “smack down” Challenge!


emeryville loop: 1:21:19

Fall in San Francisco

What a amazing day in SF. A perfect fall day that included an anti-war rally and the the Love Parade. The best part was neither as most of my afternoon was spent indoors geeking out at Webzine 2005. An amazing *.alt culture where folks still dare to dream. As I promised in my last post, the podcast is up. More to come tomorrow.


Fri 9/23: speed training w/ Peter @ the track. (6) 1km sprints with .2km walk/rest.

Aggregation and Diffusion

You can feel it. Nearly taste it. It’s almost feels like 1994 again.

Every hockey stick needs some buzz words: Web 2.0, the Long Tail, Collaboration, AJAX, RSS, Consumer Generated Media…ad nauseam.

News Corp = hungry. After the $580m breakfast of Intermix (incl. MySpace) back in July, we aren’t even to lunch yet and IGN becomes the next snack for a cool $650m. Gotta love indy musicians and gamers.

World of Warcraft (WoW) just busted through 4m users world-wide. That’s about $700m/year in revenue. Not bad. I don’t think Diller can sit on his hands with IACI much longer and just watch all of this…what do you think?

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (aka AJAX) is the magic behind some cool UI’s out there like Google Maps and Basecamp. This isn’t new, but it seems we’ve all just realized the web experience is so much more fun if it feels like a resident program. Microsoft will release their SDK for later this month.

…and where’s the sizzle without the steak?

Super cool, with its collaborative bookmarking, has a new entrant in the space seems. Yahoo! is transitioning quickly after the Flickr purchase with MyWeb2. With their broad and deep user base, they will be quite formidable.

Apple seems to be able to do no wrong this year. Jobs claimed in the Apple special event earlier this week that as far as they can measure, iTunes is the second largest store (10m accounts) next to Amazon on the Internet. The Motorola/Cingular iTunes phone. And, well, now there’s Nano too. 1000 songs. Impossible small.

VOIP is setting up to be our “Browser wars” in the ’00′s.

“Paradigm shift” play, Skype is being courted by eBay in the $2b – $3b range. This after the announcement by Google of their intentions to raise another $4b and the release of Google Talk. Of course, shortly thereafter, Vonage announced their desire to raise $600m in an IPO. Will telcos just end up leasing pipe?

Stayed tuned. Maybe next time I’ll do this as a podcast or Vlog!

Campanelli loop: 1:10:00

Disclaimer: I have stock in all companies listed in this post that are publically traded, save Google.


My heart goes out to all the suffering of the people of the Gulf Coast.

Moving on alot of action items. Hopefully we can put together the emergency shelter plan quickly.

Strawberry on:

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Sun: 40:00/1:11:50